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Custom metal structures
1. According to the manufacturing technology, welded, stamped, riveted, cast and combined metal structures are distinguished.
2. By constructive form, ready-made MKs are divided into: stationary metal structures - static structures that are mounted for long-term use in a permanent form; prefabricated metal structures consisting of connected individual elements; transformable (universal) metal structures, whose size and shape can be changed.
3. Classification of metal structures by functional purpose:
- building (frame) metal structures - elements of the frame and roof of buildings (columns, trusses, posts, beams, crossbars, ties, purlins, etc.);
- LSTK (light steel thin-walled metal structures) - cold-bent galvanized profiles for the construction of prefabricated structures;
- small metal structures - for installing fences, handrails, stairs, canopies, etc.;
- advertising metal structures - billboards, information pylons, advertising steles and shields;
- road metal structures - elements of bridges, crossings, overpasses, overpasses, noise barriers, etc.;
- metal construction containers (reservoirs) - cisterns, tanks, storages, barrels, silos;
- antenna and mast metal structures - MK for erecting video surveillance masts, masts for antennas and cellular towers, power line supports, etc.;
- non-standard metal structures - are manufactured to individual order, intended for a specific use determined by the customer.
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